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  • The negotiations over Wukan came as residents in the town of Haimen, about 70 miles up the Guangdong coast, clashed with police and occupied part of the local government's offices on Tuesday over environmental worries caused by a local coal-fired power plant.

    Chinese Village Protesters Get the Ear of Ever-Higher Officials Brian Spegele 2011

  • Separately in the town of Haimen on Tuesday, as many as 20,000 people protested over a local coal-fired power plant, which they say is polluting the nearby waters and damaging the local fishing industry.

    Chinese Village Protesters Get the Ear of Ever-Higher Officials Brian Spegele 2011

  • An official denied reports of deaths during clashes between police and Haimen residents during a protest against a plan to build a coal-fired power plant.

    Asia in Pictures 2011

  • David Gray/Reuters Locals looked at riot police blocking the entrance of Haimen, in China's Guangdong province, on Thursday.

    Asia in Pictures 2011

  • Police and protesters in the town of Haimen squared off near a highway entrance that has become the focal point for protests this week, with residents demanding that authorities release an unknown number of demonstrators.

    Haimen, China, Protests: Tear Gas Fired At Protesters The Huffington Post News Editors 2011

  • After some protesters occupied the second floor of the township's offices, police in riot gear used tear gas to dispel the crowds, some of whom were sent to the hospital as a result, said one Haimen resident, who gave only his surname, Zheng.

    Chinese Village Protesters Get the Ear of Ever-Higher Officials Brian Spegele 2011

  • Police and protesters in the town of Haimen squared off near a highway entrance that has become the focal point for protests this week, with residents demanding that authorities release an unknown number of demonstrators.

    Haimen, China, Protests: Tear Gas Fired At Protesters The Huffington Post News Editors 2011

  • A separate protest took place on Wednesday in Haimen, a town not far from Wukan further east up the coast, as residents demonstrated in front of government offices over plans to build a power plant.

    Reuters: Press Release 2011

  • In the latest incident, residents in the southern town of Haimen stormed government buildings yesterday to protest against a power plant they say is damaging their health. | Top Stories 2011

  • And another microblog post on Tuesday, accompanied by photographs, described a violent clash between police officers and thousands of people in Haimen, a township in Shantou, a major Pacific coast city about 150 kilometers, or 90 miles, from Wukan.

    NYT > Home Page By MICHAEL WINES 2011


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